Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Age of The Entrepreneur - how to become an entrepreneur

Uh, how can you awaken your entrepreneurial spirit - Donny Deutsch offers the following plan:

Part One: Figure out what your business should be by grabbing a notebook and answering the following:

What did you love to do as a kid?
What was your best day and what were you doing?
Who are you jealous of?
What would you do if you weren't being paid?
How would your script read if you were its author — no holds barred?
Part two: Incorporate Deutsch's beliefs to overcome obstacles:

Realize that successful people are not afraid to fail. Failures should be viewed as springboards to even greater success. Turn your failures into opportunities.
Even if you don't always feel it to your core, decide to be confident. But remember to have a playful attitude.
Be passionate about what you do. It creates excitement, energy and motivation.
Discard your naïve sense of entitlement. Instead of thinking you deserve something, develop humility and a genuine sense of appreciation for the opportunities you are given.

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